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LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first,; therefore, console one another with these words"
Daughter of~Bob & Joyce Snoor
Thinking of you & your Mom always please shine your Heavenly love upon her!! ~♥~Holly~♥~
dragan's dad
Gone flitted away, Taken the stars from the night and the sun From the day! Gone, and a cloud in our heart~ A.Tennyson
Melissa Eiler
Holding you dearly in my heart Holly. Love & prayers on your Angel Date & always sweet Angel. God Bless you. (((Lisa)))xo
Daughter of~Bob & Joyce Snoor
Lighting this candle in rememberance of you sweet Holly on your Heavenly date! Please send your Mom alot of love!
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Holly please send your loving Mom alot of extra Angel Hugs & sweet dreams of you for your Angel Date & always!!
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Holly I'm lighting this candle in memory & honor of you!! Always Loved ~ Remembered ~ Never Forgotten!!
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
I looked upon the brightest star on that dark October night and saw the beauty of your spirit shinning 4ever bright
Margaret Buonpane
Remembering you today on your angelversary, sending my love and prayers.
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
Thinking of you on this your 10th angel day Holly and sending you love and hugs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Sending hugs to U & UR family on your 10th Angelversary Holly. U R so very loved Angel. ~♥~
Lisa Holly's Mom
Ten years without you here with us my baby girl, seems impossible. I love and miss you.
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