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Ryan Dahn's Mom
Although no words can relly help,To ease the loss you bear,Just know that you are very close,In every thought & prayers
Nicki Queen Angels Brian&Josh
Sweet dreams Holly, what a beautiful site! Wishing you all a peaceful and blessed weekend.
Waylon Kitchens mom
Lighting a candle for ur precious angel Holly. I know her love will shine in ur heart always! God Bless! xoxoxo
When we have a problem the solution is at hand,we take it 2 the Master 4 He'll always understand.
♥WENDY♥ Angel Kevin♥Conatty
Our loved ones are NEVER Truly Gone. The words they spoke, the love they showed Will always live on Hugs Wendy &Sarah♥♥
Dessa Smith Joseph's mom
He is the morning star, He is the life, He is the redeemer, He is the savior, May his blessing be upon you on Easter and always.
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
Life never ends it just moves to a better place full of love and peace and serenity. GodBless you Angel.xxxxxxxxxx
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
You have left this world of sorrow, and are free from pain and harm, and now rest in peace and comfort, in the blessed Savior’s arms.
Nicki Queen Angels Brian&Josh
Holly sending all my love to you and your mom. In my prayers and heart forever.
♥WENDY♥ Angel Kevin♥Conatty
Remembering you today yesterday & tomorrow you will never be forgotten you are missed Immensely Hug Wendy & Sarah♥♥
♥WENDY♥ Angel Kevin♥Conatty
Remembering you today yesterday & tomorrow you will never be forgotten you are missed Immensely Hug Wendy & Sarah♥♥
Under the power of God's hand life is filled w trials.Healing & hope come in the darkness of our lives(*beautiful Holly*)
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