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1103485 Criar Memorial
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Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Rabbi Tiechtel: in heaven our loved ones cant do physical actions; they live off the actions we do in this world today.
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see. - William Newton Clark
dragan's dad
The heart, like the mind, has a memory.And in it are kept the most precious keepsakes. H.W.Longfellow
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Peace to soothe you, Grace to hold you, Love to comfort you.
Diane ~ Bob & Joyce Snoor
Where ever you go what ever you do, your Holly's love is always with you!! Hugs & Prayers!!
Tammy K.
Iam so sry I missed ur heavenly birthday, Holly. Such a beautiful girl. Happy belated Birthday sweetheart! (((Lisa))) <3
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Believe in Angels xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cindi Dana regans mom
Happy Birthday precious Holly! Sending lots of butterfly kisses over the rainbow especially for you. 4 ever in our hearts Fly Free
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Holly ~ Always Loved ~ Remembered ~ Never Forgotten!!
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Wherever you go, whatever you do may Holly always be near you sending you signs of hope to brighten your day~♥~
dragan's dad
Sometimes we need to just let go, Let tears fall as they may, Reliving cherished memories That never fade away.
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Happy Birthday, Holly! I'm sure the angels celebrated your day with much love and happiness Be close to your precious mother
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