I'll Walk With You!
Even though, I cannot ease your aching heart,
Nor take away your pain.
Please let me stay and hold your hand,
And I'll walk with you on this day!
I'll lend an ear when you need to talk;
I'll wipe away the tears.
I'll share your worries when they come;
I'll help you face your fears.
I'm here and will walk with you
Over the hills you have to climb.
So, take my hand; let's face the world,
Live each day- one day at a time!
You're not alone, for I am here,
I'll go that extra step.
And when your burden is easier,
I'll help you find your smile!

Directions to my new home in Heaven....
Make a Right onto Believeth Blvd.
Keep straight and go through the green light, which is Jesus
Christ. There, you must turn onto the bridge of Faith, which is
over troubled water. When you get off the bridge, make a right turn and keep straight. You are on The King's highway ~ Heaven-bound. Keep going for three miles: One for the Father, One for the Son, and One for the Holy Ghost. Then exit off onto Grace Blvd. From there, make a right onto Gospel Lane. Keep straight and them make another right on Prayer Road. As you go on your way, Yield not to the traffic on Temptation Ave. Also, avoid Sin Street because it is a Dead End! Pass up Envy Drive, and Hate Avenue. Also, pass Hypocrisy Street, Gossiping Lane, and Backbiting Blvd. However, you have to go down Long~suffering Lane, Persecution Blvd., And Trials and Tribulations Ave. But, that's all right because Victory Street is straight ahead.....Which brings you to the gates of Heaven!
~ Home Sweet Home~
Spread your wings and Fly.....You are Free!!
Birds handcrafted from the wings of an angel,
water running freely in the streams.
Sunshine shimmers in radiance;
How could so much beauty be an accident?
Each smiling child's face,
full of curiosity,
seeks out wonders and grandeur.
Like a child's eyes,
our hearts are searching for some kind of hint,
a hint of God.
(If you look, Nature's arms will enfold you.)
Stars are whispered into moonlight
as a day well-lived is fading.
The sun is sinking,
the colors streaking brilliantly across the sky
like ribbons.
Do not embrace, rather
be embraced, enfolded, wrapped in the arms
of beauty, of His Creation.
We all search for a framed, definite picture
of Heaven.
I can guarantee, your best bet
is right before your very eyes.
Wishes for peace, love and joy in the new year to your loving family and friends.

I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new
I thought about you yesterday and days before that too,
I think of you in silence I often speak your name
All I have are memories and your picture in a frame
Your memory is my keepsake with which I’ll never part
God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart.