Holly, you were truly a fighter. I remember the accident, I remember you graduating as I was there too. 1997 was THE graduating class of Daniel Boone High School. I didn't walk across the stage there as I should have, the same day as you did because I had a child and had changed to going to Asbury (Washington Co. Family Resource Center) so I only had to go 4 hours a day. But I did graduate and my diploma says from Daniel Boone High School it was just a different ceremony. You and I were never close but I remember the sadness following your accident. Everyone talked of what a wonderful person you were and anytime I ever saw you, you had a smile on your face. You fought so hard after your accident and defied all odds because you survived. You were truly an inspiration to many, many people. I pray that you watch over your family and that you are playing with my sweet baby Melody in Heaven.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious, very special daughter. I lost my daughter Melody at 18 months old and if you would like you can visit her website at www.melodystarralexander.last-memories.com I'm sending lots of love, peace, hugs, prayers and white light to you.
Crystal Tester
As I read the heartbreaking words on Holly's main page, I can't even imagine your pain. I too, lost a son following a car accident in July of 2005. He remained on life support for four days and it seemed like years. The pain of never knowing, of somehow wondering if he could hear us or feel the touch of our hands and the kisses that we shared with him every day...many times per day. Living through six years of such anguish must have been overwhelming.
Holly is a beautiful, special young lady and it is so obvious that she fought a long, hard fight. I am so sorry for your loss and the pain that you have experienced. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Debi http://andrew-collins.last-memories.com